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Holistic Coverage and Faithfulness Evaluation of Large Vision-Language Models

Haoyi Qiu, Wenbo Hu, Zi-Yi Dou, and Nanyun Peng, in Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL (ACL-findings), 2024.


Bib Entry

  title = {Holistic Coverage and Faithfulness Evaluation of Large Vision-Language Models},
  author = {Qiu, Haoyi and Hu, Wenbo and Dou, Zi-Yi and Peng, Nanyun},
  booktitle = {Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL (ACL-findings)},
  year = {2024}

Related Publications

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    Haoyi Qiu, Wenbo Hu, Zi-Yi Dou, and Nanyun Peng, in Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL (ACL-findings), 2024.
    BibTeX Details
      title = {Holistic Coverage and Faithfulness Evaluation of Large Vision-Language Models},
      author = {Qiu, Haoyi and Hu, Wenbo and Dou, Zi-Yi and Peng, Nanyun},
      booktitle = {Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL (ACL-findings)},
      year = {2024}
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    Full Text Abstract BibTeX Details
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  3. Improving Pre-trained Vision-and-Language Embeddings for Phrase Grounding

    Zi-Yi Dou and Nanyun Peng, in The 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), short, 2021.
    Full Text Code Abstract BibTeX Details
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    Full Text Code Abstract BibTeX Details
    We introduce a new dataset, MELINDA, for Multimodal Biomedical Experiment Method Classification. The dataset is collected in a fully automated distant supervision manner, where the labels are obtained from an existing curated database, and the actual contents are extracted from papers associated with each of the records in the database. We benchmark various state-of-the-art NLP and computer vision models, including unimodal models which only take either caption texts or images as inputs, and multimodal models. Our extensive experimental results show that multimodal models, despite outperforming other benchmarked models, require certain improvements especially a less-supervised way of grounding visual concepts with languages, and better transfer learning for low resource tasks.  We release our dataset and the benchmarks to facilitate future research in multimodal learning, especially to motivate targeted improvements for applications in scientific domains.
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